...别的机器上去把这光盘做成一个ISO文件(用NERO软件就行),把这个ISO文件复制到你的这台机器上,再装一个虚拟光驱软件(DAEMON TOOL),把这个ISO镜像文件挂接成一个虚拟光驱,就可以用了 如果你的问题是光盘划伤的话,就没办法了。
DAEMON Tool Lite 虚拟光驱
The sprayd daemon and the associated spray tool send a large stream of packets to a specified host and determine how many of those packets get a response.
There will be times when this tool is best run on an as-needed basis or as a background job, not as a daemon or Microsoft Windows service task.
有时,此工具最好在需要的基础上运行或作为背景工作运行,而不是作为一个守护进程或Microsoft Windows服务任务。
With AIX, the iptrace is a background daemon, so you must explicitly start and stop the tool to switch the process on and off. For example, to start, type.
对于AIX, iptrace是一个后台守护进程,因此您必须启动和停止该工具,以便对进程状态进行切换。