...ol Down) 如果衣物在程序运行完毕后未被及时取走,防皱功能可间歇地翻转衣物,防止衣物产生褶皱。 不全干程序(Damp Dry) 在衣服全干之前关闭烘干机,这样使用者就可以晾晒半干的衣物,防止缩水和起皱。
damp-dry 使半干 ; 半干的
Water Color Damp-dry 半干水彩
damp-dry method 半干法
damp-dry process 半干法
damp-dry feeding 干湿料饲喂法
dry gastrointestinal damp-heat 燥肠胃湿热
dry and damp lichen 干湿二癣
dry-damp circulation 干湿循环
The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry.
Timber swells when it is damp and shrinks when it is dry because it contains groups of atoms called hydroxyl groups, which absorb and release water.
The waves of damp and dry conditions suggest water is created on the moon every day, when hydrogen nuclei in the solar wind slam into oxygen-rich silicate minerals on the moon's surface.