水流在土壤中的流动符合 达西定律 ( Darcy law ): u=ks 式中,u 为渗流平均速率,m/d;s 为水力坡度,无量纲; k 为水力传到系数,m/d。
darcy law for porous flow 达硒哩律
Non-Darcy law 西定律
Darcy law of resistance 达西阻力定律
general darcy law 广义达西定律
Darcy s law 达西定律 ; 渗透性和渗流达西定律
non darcy s law 非达西规律
non darcy ' s law 非达西规律
law of darcy 达西定律
The fluid migration is low non-Darcy flow, but not follows the Darcy law in low permeable reservoirs.
It is proved through experimental research that the Darcy law should be revised to adapt to high seepage velocity.
This paper has established a gas flow equation based on Darcy Law, and solution of values is made by using a computer.