...克的铁血防守让其闯进8强,以赛程所计,所赢对手都欠缺说服力,反观克罗地亚女篮自第一场小组赛惨败后,其后气势如虹(Darling of),回复正常水平,对赛往绩上友谊赛捷克大胜克罗地亚女篮20分,上半场还处于相持阶段,无奈第三节被敌手拿到31分,防守松懈所致,...
My Darling of The Mountains 山的爱人 ; 山的你
Darling of All Hearts 万人的恋人 ; 排舞
the darling of all hearts 众人喜欢的人 ; 人人喜爱的东西 ; 人见人爱的人儿
Thank you darling of love 谢谢宝贝的爱
The Darling Buds of May 五月的花朵 ; 蒲月的花朵
the darling of the town 镇上的红人
She is the darling of the newspapers and can do no wrong.
McCarthy told Darling of his reservations.
Since its launch it's been the darling of the smartphone industry.
One day his mother said When Pierre climbed out of bed Good morning,darling boy, you are my only joy.
VOA: special.2009.10.05
Complimented, my eye. She kissed me on my pure brow," and my darling emitted that new yelp of merriment which, perhaps in connection with her theatrical mannerisms, she had lately begun to affect."
And then, on the top of 3, we get another example: "In other words we've got to get on the ball, darling, what I'm saying, otherwise it'll be fluctuating and lack of true knowledge or crystallization of our plans."