这个时候发现Shard0 存在数据碎片(data fragmentation),即使数据迁移走,还是会占用原来的内存。每个Check-in 文档大约占用 300 字节,而 MongoDB 是 4KB 的页(Page),也就说十几个文...
规则5: 分割独立性(Fragmentation independence) 为了提升资料库绩效, 许多系统都支援资料分割(data fragmentation)的功能; 所谓资料分割, 系将资料库中的关连资料表(relations)作水平或垂直的分割。
spatial data fragmentation 空间数据分片
The main idea of the accelerative solution is that the tasks which are charged with a machine are dispatched many machines, through data fragmentation and global transaction management, which have important meaning to enhance the accelerative effect.
加速引擎加速方案设计的主要思想是:将数据分布到各底层数据库节点上,原来由单个数据库系统承担的任务现在由加速引擎连接的若干个节点数据库共同协作完成,具体通过数据划分技术和全局事务管理技术实现。 所以设计一种合适的数据划分方案和全局事务管理方案对于提高系统的加速效果有重要的意义。
参考来源 - 数据库加速引擎加速方案研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
If there is no data fragmentation, which is often the case, it can recover the whole file.
Fragmentation and PDQ priority also have a huge effect on the speed of data retrieval and will help table scans.
分段和PD Q优先级也对于数据的检索速度有极大的影响,并有助于表扫描。
But, because XFS delayed its allocation decision, it was able to write the data in one fell swoop, improving write performance as well as reducing overall filesystem fragmentation.