数据的逻辑结构(data logical structure)是数据元素之间存在的逻辑(或序)关系的描述,它可以用一个数据元素的集合D,和D中各元素之间存在的所有关系的集合R来表示成DLS...
This paper establishes a data logical structure model, which can make the RCM analysis process more standard and comprehensive.
本文针对这一问题,建立了一套可使得RCM 的分析过程更为标准和全面调用的数据逻辑结构模型。
Component discovery is a design exercise to determine structure and logical boundaries: which data and behaviors to place in one component and which data and behaviors belong elsewhere.
These special translation tags not only lend a logical organization to the XML structure, they also allow an application built around an XML parser to understand how to process the globalized data.