据,过程,和控 制。” 其中,代码逆向工程关注于理解系统是如何处理信息的,关注于系统的过 程和控制;数据逆向工程(Data Reverse Engineering, DRE )是逆向工程、数据库、 数据设计及信息工程领域的集中,解决的是所存储的信息内容是什么,以及在不 同条件
You now have a data model created based on reverse engineering from a database or from a DDL script.
至此,您通过对一个数据库或 DDL 脚本的反向工程,创建了一个数据模型。
RDA can be used to develop data models in either a top-down or bottom up manner, allowing analysis of existing databases and development of data models by reverse engineering of existing data assets.
Note that this atomic domain is defined as DOUBLE, while the data type for the database column (determined using reverse engineering) is a BIGINT.
注意,这个原子域被定义为 DOUBLE,而数据库列(由反向工程决定)的数据类型为 BIGINT。