在Oracle 8i里引入的数据库资源管理器(Database Resource Manager),在Oracle 9i里得到了明显增强。它可以对资源进行更精细的控制,还加入了新的功能,比如自动的客户组切换、最大化活动会话控制、...
实例化限定(instance caging),Oracle 8i引入了数据库资源维护器(Database Resource Manager,DRM),议决资源计划指令它提供了对使用程序会话组的CPU资源使用率的限定,后来发行的数据库版本大大改良了D...
Oracle Database Resource Manager 数据库资源管理器
That impact is due to the overhead in creating and destroying those objects by the database resource manager process.
The Local transaction model gets its name from the fact that transactions are managed by the underlying database resource manager, not the container or framework your application is running in.
在Local Transaction模型中,事务由底层数据库资源管理程序(而非应用程序所在的容器或框架)管理,这便是它得名的原因。
In that situation, a J2EE component can use connection objects without causing overheads on the database resource manager, since a pool manager creates the connection objects up front, at startup.