date stamp 日期邮戳 ; [经] 日期戳 ; 日戳 ; 日期标记
rubber date stamp 橡皮日戳 ; 橡皮刻有年月日的戳子
Type for post date-stamp 邮政日戳用铅字钉
File Date Stamp 文件时间修改器
circular date stamp 圆形日期邮戳
Time Date Stamp Block 时间日期记录块
ds date stamp 日期邮戳
Date and time stamp 日期和时间戳记 ; 日戳 ; 日期及时间戳记 ; 日期和时光戳记
Many advocates think that transparent data procedures with a date and time stamp will protect scientists from being scooped.
On the next page, browse to the downloaded model interchange zip and select it, as shown in Figure 22 (the date stamp will differ).
Finally, you need to change the date stamp on the Default.jsp file for the theme changes to take effect.
最后,您需要更改Default . jsp文件上的日期戳,这样才能使主题更改生效。