... Visa no. 签证号码一般为10-12位数字; Date and day 日期与星期几 house no. 门牌号码 (e.g. 20A, 注意发音与28的区别) ...
... CDMA only » 只有码分多址 date and day » 日期和日 which way is more efficient is still a question » 这方法是更有效地仍是一个问题 ...
date and day » 日期和天 and other family members also contributed formally or informally to » 其他家庭成员也导致了正式或非正式地 ..
date and day display 展出日期及天
day and date watch 双历手表
instantaneous date and day mechanism 瞬跳双历机构
day-date-and-month functions 一天的日期和月功能 ; 树脂外壳 ; 日日期和月功能
day-date-and-month 当天日期和月
day and date of arrival 一天抵达日期 ; 日和到达日期 ; 天和到达的日期
calendar day and date watch [仪] 双历手表
Day and date 日历 ; 日及日期 ; 一天和日期
day-and-date functions 日和日期函数
As you can see, the date and day of week is shown when it's "two tiers" high.
McGaugh invited her to his lab, and began to test her: he would give her a date and ask her to tell him about the world events on that day.
Those people who have accurate, reliable up-to-date information to solve the day-to-day problems, the critical problems of their bus iness,social and family life, will survive and succeed.