datum line differential [机] 基准线差
Y-datum line Y 基准线
datum line beam 基准梁
armament datum line 军械基准线 ; 武器基准线
the datum line of sunlight 日照基准线
central datum line 中心基准线
sunlight datum line 日照基准线
rigging datum line 装配根据线
It also establishes the evaluation method for measuring the sustainable development capacity of CDM projects by taking the datum line as a reference and by comparing CDM projects with the datum line projects.
参考来源 - 清洁发展机制项目可持续发展能力评价体系研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
An united space datum line has been given.
A line of punch positions parallel to the Y datum line of a punch card.
The vertical datum line set up by this system can be used to monitor deformation of the various building.