死海(Dead Sea)是位于以色列与约旦之间的内陆湖。是世界上最低的水域,平均水面低于海平面395米,南北长约804公里,最宽处约17.7公里,面积约10...
MASADA 来自以色列( DEAD SEA )死海,具天然疗效的深海海盐,其中微矿物质高达 33% 、氯化钠只有 5% (微矿物质含量为一般海盐的 10 倍),并添加天然有机植物...
Dead Sea scrolls 死海卷轴 ; 死海文书
dead sea apple 不可靠的成就 ; 令人失望的事情 ; 令人失望的事
The Dead Sea 死海 ; 唱片名 ; 中国死海
The Dead Sea scrolls 死海古卷 ; 犹太民族不朽的诗篇
dead sea mud 海泥 ; 死海湖泥 ; 天然死海矿物泥
Dead Sea fruit 死海之果 ; 华而不实 ; 不可靠的成就
Dead Sea Scroll 死海古卷 ; 死海卷轴
Dead Sea Tour 死海之行
以上来源于: WordNet
Ancient scrolls were found in caves by the Dead Sea.
Now the Dead Sea is actually dying.
At 430 meters below sea level, the Dead Sea is Earth's lowest point on land.
There have been several proposals to pump water into the Dead Sea from the Red Sea or the Mediterranean.
VOA: special.2009.05.18
We call this the wilderness, the wilderness of Judea between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, the wilderness of Judah or Judea.
the Dead Sea Scrolls.] And some of them date back to the fourth and third century .So do you understand now why everybody was so excited?