暗夜男爵 死海文书(DEAD SEA SCROLLS) 1947年,有两个贝都因族的牧羊童在死海西北端的古姆兰遗址中的一个山洞里发现了一些罐子。罐内有一些羊皮纸古卷,卷.
以上来源于: WordNet
N-PLURAL a collection of manuscripts in Hebrew and Aramaic discovered in caves near the Dead Sea between 1947 and 1956. They are widely held to have been written between about 100 bc and 68 ad and provide important biblical evidence 死海古卷
The Dead Sea scrolls were found by a shepherd pursuing a stray goat into a cave.
Dead Sea Scrolls Mystery Solved?
Look at how the Dead Sea Scrolls were scrutinized.
the Dead Sea Scrolls.] And some of them date back to the fourth and third century .So do you understand now why everybody was so excited?
You've got to think about that and what it means and how were they transmitted and preserved without ; the means of technology, obviously, that we have today; and what was so exciting in the middle of the twentieth century was the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.I'm sure that you've heard of them.
The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in caves in the Judean desert.