...企业价值达到最大的资本结构 – 使企业资本成本(WACC)最小化的资本结构 – 此时的债务水平称为企业的借债能力(Debt Capacity) 7 企业价值最大化与股东财富最大化 There are really two important questions: 1.
debt servicing capacity 外债偿还能力 ; 偿债的能力
the debt payment capacity 财政承受能力
debt service capacity 还本付息能力
Capacity for Debt 负债能力
The results show that using working capital requirement to analyze enterprises'asset liquidity and debt capacity is more correct than that using traditional one.
At the same time, they have to pay much higher interest rates, driving up their debt while their capacity to service that debt stagnates.
Remember, over the generations, we have been very careful to keep the total level of debt well below the borrowing capacity of our economy so far as federal issuance is concerned.