... stoichiometric ratio化学计量比, 理想配比值 Debt to equity ratio负债股本比率 Engine mixture ratio发动机混合比 ...
... 债务资本成本率 The cost of debt 债务与资本比率 debt to equity ratio ; equity ratio 债务对资本净值比率 debt to net worth ratio ...
Long-Term Debt-to-Equity ratio 长期负债权益比率 ; 净资产
The debt to equity ratio 资产负债率
debt-to-equity ratio 债务与资本比率 ; 负债比率 ; 负债与权益比率 ; 权益负债率
equity to debt ratio 权益对债务比率 ; 权柄对债务比率
total debt to equity ratio 总负债与权益比率
We find that some information items are highly concerned by the bank lenders, such as long-term debt, short-term debt, core operating income, debt to equity ratio, current ratio and…
我们发现, 银行对长短期借款、主营业务收入、资产负债率、流动比率和速动比率等财务信息高度重视, 对有助于进一步判别企业潜在风险的报表附注信息也比较重视。
In fact, a lower debt-to-equity ratio could actually lead a bank to take on more risks in order to make up for the loss of leverage.
Take a bank that replaced long-term debt with equity in order to raise its ratio of equity to risk-adjusted assets from 10% to 15%.
That would mean that companies should try to push their debt-equity ratio up as high as possible given that theory.
Incidentally, did I ever--equity equals shares or stock, so when I talk about debt-equity ratio, I'm talking about the ratio of the value of the company's debt to the value of all of its stock.
A company, according to Modigliani and Miller, has to weigh their tax considerations against their bankruptcy costs and get an optimum debt-equity ratio out of that.