与此类似的还有: 四分位数 (Quartitles) 百分位数(Percentile) 十分位数 (Decile) 理性认识:把一组数据按从小到大的数序排列,在中间的一个数字(或两个数字的平均值)叫做这组数据的中位数。
... decanates(decans)区间 一个星座可分为叁个区间,每个区间皆为十度 Decile 十分相[相位] 两星或星与基本点间成叁十六度的视角 declination 赤纬[座标] 星体与赤道面的夹角 ...
decile interval [统计] 十分位距
decile intervel 十分位距
Decile plane 等分平面
Decile dispersion coefficient 十分位分散系数
decile e 十分位数
first decile [统计] 第一十分位数
decile score 十分之一位数
sample decile 样本十分位数
以上来源于: WordNet
N one of nine actual or notional values of a variable dividing its distribution into ten groups with equal frequencies: the ninth decile is the value below which 90% of the population lie 十分位数 → see also percentile
N a tenth part of a distribution 十分之一
The first and fourth decile is full at the end of Clemens family coat of arms, had dark brown across the middle bar to separate three same Blackbird.
The results were similar when glucose levels were examined by decile, the researchers note.
"The primary attractions were the gorgeous scenery and plentiful but decile wildlife," Fejfar said.