... 赠——的情人节礼物 A Valentine “深眠黄土” Deep in Earth 致路易丝·奥利维亚·亨特小姐 To Miss Louise Olivia Hunter ...
rocks deep in the earth 地下深处的岩石
deep in the earth 的某个地方
organic matter in deep earth 地球深部有机质
he in the deep earth 地球深部
During the past decade, researchers have discovered hundreds of large earth works deep in the jungle.
There are those which sit over isolated 'hotspots' of upwelling magma from deep in the earth, like the volcanoes of Hawaii.
有那些座落于有不断从地底深处上涌岩浆的单独“热点” 之上的火山,就像夏威夷的火山一样。
In our times, human shrewdness has mastered the deep mysteries of the earth at a level far beyond the capacities of earlier peoples.