文章详细信息 关键词: 区域碎裂化;;深部岩体;;非线形弹性模量 [gap=807]Keywords: zonal disintegration;deep rock mass;stress-dependent modulus
deep rock mass engineering 深部岩体工程
deep rock-mass 深部岩体
deep rock-mass deformation 深部岩体变形
deep block rock mass 深部块系岩体
rock mass around deep tunnel 深部巷道围岩
Deep rock mass dues to it's particularity of physical geography environment and complexity of it's stress field has become a problem that must be carefully taken into consider and study in engineering practice.
参考来源 - 深部岩体的蠕变损伤特性研究The capability of storage and returned energy is related with friction coefficient for the deep rock mass with tectonic level.
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The strength characteristics of deep rock mass exhibit distinctly nonlinear response to excavation.
Deep rock mass has a typical inhomogeneous and discontinuous self-stressed block-hierarchical structure.
While the deep rock mass are excavated by the blast or other methods, the deformation and fracture of the surrounding rock show several new scientific characteristic phenomena.