规定中推出 深度防御 ( Defence In Depth )的概念,例如以连续的屏障,来防止放射性物质之外漏,如果有一个屏障失效,设计上仍能提供足够的保护,以减轻此类失效造成之后...
It has analyzed the current security situation of the military network of a division on the background of "divisional military network security problem", put forward the concept of managing divisional military network security defence model to resolve the network security problem, and brought forward the blue print of" set up defence on layers,defence in depth" so as to resolve the lack of security strategy. And a concrete implemention scheme was designed for "divisional military network".
参考来源 - 师级军用网络安全系统设计·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N the act or practice of positioning successive mutually supporting lines of defence in a given area 纵深防御; 防区内设置的一系列相互支持的防线 [军事]
Nuclear reactors are protected by what plant designers call "defence in depth".
In order to add an additional protection from the view point of nuclear safety defence in depth, the secondary containment is adopted.
Although certain coastal areas are heavily defended, these defences do not seem to be in any great depth, and it would appear that the Germans have concentrated their defence on the beaches.