...赚取期摊配:企业在销售商品或提供劳务之前预先收取部分定金或服务费,即 预收账款,这种负债称为递延负债(deferred liabilities),它表示企业有责任在本 期和以后各期向客户提供商品或劳务;应将当期已提供商品或劳务而赚取的收入 转记收入账户。
... Deferred income 迤延收益 Deferred liabilities 迤延负债 Deferred life annuity 拖延生命年金 ...
other deferred liabilities 其它递延负债 ; 其它递延欠债
deferred income tax liabilities 递延所得税负债 ; 递延个人收税欠债 ; 递延所得税欠债
Deferred Tax liabilities 递延税款贷项 ; 递延所得税负债 ; 递延个人收税欠债 ; 负债
deferred performance liabilities [会计] 延期交货负债
Deferred income tax for liabilities 递延所得税负债
deferred ie tax liabilities 递延个人收税欠债
deferred taxes and other liabilities 递延的税和其他负债 ; 递延税项及其他负债
deferred tax assets and liabilities 递延所得税资产和负债
deferred pension liabilities account [会计] 延期养老金负债帐户
Even when the debts to their executives total in the billions, most companies lump them into 'other liabilities'; only a few then identify amounts attributable to deferred pay.
All deferred tax liabilities, and all deferred tax assets to the extent that it is probable.
Refer to deferred income, deferred income tax liabilities, and etc... deferred income refers to income items received by a business to be recorded as income in the future periods.