注意,在定义资源组的时候,要注意Participating Node 2.2、定义应用服务器(Define Application Servers) 2.3、修改资源组属性(Change/Show Resources for a ..
The next step of the wizard will let you add specific servers for each node of the cluster and define a load-balancing scheme by assigning each application server a weight in a range from 0-20.
在向导的下一步中,您将为集群中的每个节点添加特定的服务器,并且定义负载平衡模式,方法是为每个应用程序服务器分配一个范围从0 - 20的权重。
Web servers supported by WebSphere Application server all provide the capability to define the maximum number of concurrent requests (as opposed to concurrent users) to accept.
WebSphere Application Server支持的Web服务器都提供定义可接受的并发请求(而不是并发用户)的最大个数的功能。