可能要是这是一份界定养老金(defined contribution scheme),在这类养老金中,您的收益以及基金的资产投资收益体现挂钩,就是说,您以及不论什么一样保有小我私人养老金的人坐在一条船上
Since Chile introduced a fully funded, privately managed defined contribution scheme in 1981, some two dozens countries have converted a portion of their pension system to this arrangement.
Michigan closed its defined-benefit scheme to entrants back in 1997 and Alaska moved to a defined-contribution plan for new staff in 2006.
In 2006, according to the CRR, over 60% of private workers with a retirement plan relied on a defined-contribution scheme such as a 401 (k) account.
根据退休研究中心的研究,2006年,参与退休金计划的私营企业工人超过60%依靠的是确定提拨计划,比如401 k帐户[1]。