degree of finish 加工度 ; 精细度 ; 光洁度 ; 表面粗糙度
Given the high rate of project failures, you might think that companies would be happy to just have their project finish with some degree of success.
That worked well for about two years, but by the time Nora was born, we decided to hire a part-time nanny so I could finish a degree of my own.
Jean Sarkozy, 23, who has yet to finish a law degree, is tipped to be chairman of the public agency running la defense, one of Europe's biggest business districts, in Paris.
23岁的让·萨科奇还在攻读法律学位。据小道消息称,他将执掌位于巴黎的欧洲最大商业区拉德芳斯(La defense)的公共机构。