a delay of payment 一个延迟付款 ; 延迟付款的 ; 延迟支付
apologize for delay of payment 对延迟付款表示歉意
delay payment of the official [专利] 延期支付法定费用
Failure to comply with all instructions on this order may result in delay of payment.
If WIRTGEN CHINA establishes that its actual damages resulting from the Buyer's delay of payment were higher, then WIRTGEN CHINA is entitled to claim compensation for such higher damages.
如果WIRTGEN CHINA确定因买方延迟付款对其造成的实际损失更高,则WIRTGEN CHINA有权提出更高的赔付请求。
Article 33 a commercial bank should guarantee the payment of the principal and interest of the deposits and must not delay and refuse to pay the principal and interest of the deposits.