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dimensions and technical delivery conditions 尺寸和交货技术条件 ; 尺寸和技术交货条件
General delivery conditions 一般交货技术条件
General technical delivery conditions 通用交货技术条件
Technical delivery conditions for signs 标牌的交货技术条件
Ferrotungsten - Technical delivery conditions 交货技术条件
Technical Delivery Conditions First Edition 技术交换条件
Classification and technical delivery conditions 分类和交付技术状态
Technical delivery conditions for valves 电子管的交货技术条件
Delivery conditions - FCA 交货事宜交货方式
English Name:Bright steel products - Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: General;
Continuously hot-dip zinc coated structural steels strip and sheet - Technical delivery conditions.
Welding consumables - Technical delivery conditions for welding filler materials - Type of product, dimensions, tolerances and markings.