...企业可以降低多少传统训练的 交通及其他费用成本,包括、节省员工的学习时间和缩短企业整体学习的递送 周期(delivery cycle time)等;所谓品质是指整体的学习品质是否有改善工作绩效 网路化训练效益之研究 125 并带来企业利益;所谓服务是指学习课程取得的便利...
time-varying delivery cycle 时变运输周期
With the advanced management system, our low quantities high mix products are produced very efficiently thus reducing the delivery cycle time of the assembly.
Figure 5: different activities and roles peak at different times in a product delivery cycle. Therefore, it's feasible that a specific actor or role isn't 100 percent utilized 100 percent of the time.
And the value that I think we've created is customer trust because we actually have that kind of short cycle time with reliable delivery more than ways to impact customers.