Customer Delivery Value 价值 ; 顾客让渡价值
Customer Desired Delivery Value 顾客期望让渡价值
Customer Perceived Delivery Value 顾客感知让渡价值
Customer Anticipated Delivery Value 顾客预知让渡价值
Customer Desired Delivery Value Index 顾客期望让渡价值指数
Customer Perceived Delivery Value Index 顾客感知让渡价值指数
Value Delivery 价值交付 ; 价值让渡 ; 价值传送
Customer Anticipated Delivery Value Index 顾客预知让渡价值指数
Value delivery system 价值分送体系 ; 价值传送系统 ; 价值传递系统 ; 值传递系统
You must consider the impact of all improvement initiatives within the context of the whole software delivery value stream.
The IBM Rational software development platform is a business real-time data and productivity platform for your software development and delivery value chains and supply chains.
IBM Rational软件开发平台为您的软件开发和交付价值链和供应链提供了一个业务实时数据和生产力平台。
On account of the skyrocketing growth of the prices of bulk goods and raw materials, the total business number of import remains stable, yet the delivery value of import increases greatly.