delta function 函数 ; 脉冲函数 ; 狄垃克
Dirac delta function 狄喇克函数 ; 狄拉克得尔塔函数 ; 狄拉克函数 ; Diracδ函数
kronecker delta function kroneckerδ函数 ; 函数
properties of Delta function 函数的性质
derivative of Dirac delta function Diracδ函数的导函数
Dirac's delta function 迪瑞克达尔塔函数
delta function model 函数模型
The function that I am integrating is x times delta where density will be given to me maybe as a function of x and y.
For functions of them, the delta method implies the following result, proved in Section 14.1.4: Let denote a differentiable function of, with sample value for a multinomial sample.
Finally, we design systems of CRL, Delta-CRL, segment CRL and over-issued CRL, offer a CRL encode and decode function interface.