deltic method 自相关比较波形法
deltic engine 三角形柴油发动机
Deltic Woman 斑斓人的声音
Deltic Kings 凯尔特之王
Deltic Waltz 克尔特华尔滋
deltic deposit 三角洲沉积
deltic-aided search 延时线时间压缩辅助搜索
The Deltic Manor Resort 威尔斯塞尔提克渡假村
In the after strike slip compressional stage, this lake was filled up with the clastic sediments of deltic and fluvial facies.
Deltic timber: This company owns 439, 000 acres of timberland in Arkansas and Louisiana. Most of that Deltic timber (DEL, news, MSGS) USES to produce timber and pulp wood.
Deltic Timber:这家公司在阿肯色州和路易斯安那州拥有439 000英亩林地,这些林地大部分被用作生产原木和木浆。