dental plaque [口腔] 牙菌斑 ; 斑牙
dental plaque biofilm 生物膜 ; 牙菌斑生物膜
dental plaque index 牙菌斑指数
Dental plaque pH 菌斑pH
anti-dental plaque 抑制菌斑形成
human dental plaque 人齿菌斑
dental plaque test 牙菌斑检查
Drinking black tea has been found to prevent dental plaque formation and to kill bacteria that infect teeth.
There is good evidence that a small-headed counter oscillating electric toothbrush helps in removing dental plaque but they must be used correctly and your dentist or hygienist will advise.
In this review, we summarize the research progress in signal conduction in dental plaque in recent years.