department of earth sciences
伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院专业,地球科学系(Department of Earth Sciences)...
教育学与心理学学院 - Department of Education and Psychology 地球科学学院 - Department of Earth Sciences 历史与文化学学院 - Department of History and Cultural Studies ..
Department of Earth Sciences地球科学 DPhilin Earth Sciences地球科学博士 学制3年。申请截止日期1月24日,3月14日。
department of earth sciences
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
"Today everyone is focused on reducing nutrient inputs to the sea in order to reduce eutrophication (the effect of excessive nutrients) in the Baltic, but by helping nature itself to deal with the phosphorus that is discharged we can create a turbo effect in the battle against eutrophication, " said Anders Stigebrandt, of the University of Gothenburg's Department of Earth Sciences.
CNN: Can oxygen pump breathe life into ocean 'dead zone?'
Following a research degree in earth sciences at Cambridge University, Beth joined the UK Department of Energy, and subsequently the British National Oil Corporation.
UNESCO: Who's who