仍以多伦多大学为例,Department of Economics(经济系)是隶属于Faculty of Arts & Science的;Department of Electrical and Comupater Enginieering(ECE, 电子和计算机工程)是隶属于Fa...
莱斯大学经济学专业设置 莱斯大学经济学系(Department of Economics)开设有2种研究生学位项目,分别是: 经济学硕博连读项目(PhD in Economics /MA):为期4-6年,要求申请者拥有本科经济学或其...
Department of Computing Science and Mathematics 计算机科学和数学 Department of Economics 经济学 Department of Management and Organization 管理学和组织 ..
牛津布鲁克斯大学经济学院(Department of Economics)隶属于该校商学院,是该院最受欢迎的学院之一。该院的教学和研究水平在世界上一直享有良好的世界声誉。
Department of Economics and Management 经济和管理学 ; 经济管理系 ; 经济和
DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND 经济学系和 ; 经济系及 ; 新闻部的经济和
The Department of Economics&Management 经济管理系
Department of Economics and Finance 金融系 ; 经济与金融系
The Department of Economics 经济学系
Department of Agricultural Economics 家业经济系 ; 农业经济系 ; 农业经济学系
Department of International Economics 国际经济系
Managed Department of Economics 管理与经济学部
同义词: economics department
以上来源于: WordNet
Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Princeton University, Princeton N.J., USA.
美国新泽西州普林斯顿大学经济系经济学教授Nobuhiro kiyotaki。
This course has been the traditional senior project course in the Department of Economics at Utah State University.
Ben Polak is Professor of Economics and Management in the Department of Economics and the School of Management at Yale University.
He did this jointly with the Chairman of the Economics Department here, Chris Udry and he has spent time in India looking at the village economies.
He spent his entire career at Yale and he wrote-- He was Head of our social sciences department, before we had separate departments of economics and psychology, etc.