Departure date is when 出发日期是当 ; 出发日期是什么时候
how is the Departure date 是如何的离职日期 ; 是如何的出发日期
Deciding on Departure Date 确定行程
what Departure date 什么出发日期 ; 出发日期 ; 什么离境日期
Tour Departure Date 出发日期
Fix A Departure Date 择日起程
There is no departure date 是没有离店时间的
wath is the Departure date 瓦斯是出发日期
Flight And Departure Date 班次和出发时间
departure date 启程日期
Has the departure date been fixed?
If the configuration is correct, the next page of the application allows you to select a departure date and an origination airport, as shown in Figure 3.
Generally, airlines raise prices significantly during the two weeks prior to a flight departure date, because business travelers are forced to book last minute.