Derivative Instrument 衍生产品 ; 衍生工具 ; 金融衍生工具 ; 派生金融工具
Financial Derivative Instrument 金融衍生工具 ; 金融衍生产品 ; 金融衍生产品市场 ; 产品市场
insurance derivative instrument 保险衍生工具
financial derivative instrument risk 金融衍生工具风险
financial derivative instrument market 金融衍生工具市场
audit of financial derivative instrument 金融衍生工具审计
financial derivative instrument trading market 金融衍生工具交易市场
derivative financial instrument 衍生性金融商品
Derivative (2007) Financial instrument or analytical tool that engendered the meltdown.
Where it shares the same conditions with that of the embedded derivative instrument, and the independent instrument meets the requirements of the definition of derivative instrument.
The stock Index Futures is a kind of financial derivative instrument used to offset the systemic risks of stock investment and achieve the arbitrage.