derived function [数] 导函数 ; 导数 ; [数] 导出函数 ; 导来函数
approximate partial derived function 近似偏导函数
derived function of higher order 高阶导来函数
the derived function 关键词导函数
n-th derived function n阶可微函数
upper lower derived function 上导数
Using the BIMserver ‘advanced query’ function, CBIM models can be derived from a BIMserver model.
Other examples of derived requirements are the technical choices for each function (see the box technical choices in Figure 3).
其他例子的起源需求都是对于每个功能的技术性选择(参照图3中的Technical Choices)。
In other words, you could use something very close to this same function against objects that never derived from XML.