...种直接把元素 列举出来的集合,称为基本集合(primary set),而把LINK 这种基于基本集合构造的 集合称为派生集合(derived set) (2):LINGO对数据是按列赋值的,而不是 按行.
Lingo有两种类型的集: 有两种类型的集: 有两种类型的集 原始集(primitive set)和派生集 原始集 和派生集(derived set) 一个原始集是由一些最基本的对象组成的. 一个原始集是由一些最基本的对象组成的.
n-derived set n导集
semi derived set 半导集
semi-derived set 半导集
first derived set 第一阶导集
derived set operator 导集算子
The derived set of- limit set is equal to the derived set of the set of the recurrent points.
参考来源 - 连续图映射非游荡集的结构·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
The definition of derived set calculation can be obtained according to the closure of set and the characteristics of derived set.
Similar to the building of topological Spaces through the calculation of a closure of set, the topological Spaces can also be built through the derived set calculation.
This paper defines the concept of derived set operator, introduces the concept of fuzzy derived set operator in EX, studies their properties and discusses their relations to topology.