对付一个没有描述元标签(Description Meta Tag)作为页面摘要的搜索功效来说,你的页面已经较之从前面有了一些优势,因为究竟它在用户的视野里多占了两行。
You should start by opening the site Configuration document and editing several of its Settings: the site URL, title, a description, and meta tag information.
您应该首先打开Site Configuration文档并编辑几个设置:站点的URL、标题、描述和元标记信息。
To get the flavor of such statements, think of an HTML meta tag that gives the description of a Web page.
要了解这类语句的特点,考虑描述web页面的HTML meta标记。
For the meta tag description, for example, <meta name="description" content="", use the second Auxiliary Description field.
为元标记的描述,例如 <meta name="description" content="",使用第二个 Auxiliary Description 字段。