...very Top Hits), 美国伐木工 ( American Loggers ), 捕蟹纪录片-致命的渔获 (Deadliest Catch), 毁灭瞬间(Destroyed In Seconds), 干尽苦差事(Dirty Jobs), 是怎么办到的(HowStuff..
此外,探索频道还预定了比利治亚的另外一部电视节目,名字叫《毁于一瞬》(Destroyed in Seconds)。这个节目将向观众展示那些人工建设在短短几秒钟内灰飞湮灭的过程。
Videohive destroyed in seconds 人人素材网预览 ; 大家素材网预览
The bean timeout does not affect passivation; rather, it tells WebSphere Application Server when the bean should actually be destroyed after a certain period of time, specified in seconds.
bean超时期限并不影响钝化;它告诉WebSphere Application Server这个bean应该在一段特定的时间(以秒为单位指定)之后被实际销毁。
One immense problem is that the primordial fireball destroyed all the evidence; the temperature of the universe in the first seconds of its existence was many trillion degrees.
A few seconds of discrepancies, the number of people in the hands of happiness destroyed?