...测定方法改进” 正文开始>> [gap=370]Y WORDS Assemblages for refilled syringes; acetic ether; silicon oil limit dose; detected method;to improve ...
mouse detected method 小鼠检测法
detected by this method 该方法检测
This method is essentially useless for the conditions discussed here because no errors are detected.
(This is the recommended method) When installing DB2 9, the previous version is detected and the installation wizard displays a button to migrate the instance (See the bottom of Figure 1).
(我们推荐使用该方法)在安装DB 2 9时,将检测到之前的版本,并且安装向导将显示一个迁移实例的按钮(参见图1下面的部分)。
The onUpgrade() method is invoked if a database version change is detected (see Listing 16).
如果检测到数据库版本更改,就会调用 onUpgrade() 方法(参见 清单 16)。