... 浸没探测元件 immersed detector element 探测元件检波元件 detecting element 探测元件 检波元件 检测元件 detectingelement ...
primary detecting element 初级探测元件 ; [电子] 初级检测元件 ; 初级检验元件
phase-detecting element 相敏元件 ; [电子] 相位检测元件
diaphragm type detecting element 膜片式检出部
electrical detecting element 电检测元件
radiation detecting element 辐射高温计元件
photoelectric detecting element 光电检出器光电灵敏元件
detecting element of thermometer 温度计检测元件
fire detecting element 火警探测器 ; 火灾探测元件
digital detecting element [电子] 数字式检测元件
The three parts of detecting element, adjusting circuit and performing control unit are mainly introduced.
This paper introduces an position transmitter using the conductive plastic potentiometer as the detecting element.
The optical color sensor further comprises first and second photo detecting element means spaced from the product.