But the road isn't finished, and at Yao Zhuang, a farming village in Zhejiang, construction puts us on a detour that lasts to the touristy waterfront town of Zhu Jia Jiao.
走到浙江境内一个叫姚庄的村子时,我们不得不转向通往上海水乡古镇朱家角的公路。 那里也是一个旅游景点。
Onlookers said the family of ducks had tried to reach the water over a wall, but took a detour along the road when it proved too high for the tiny ducklings to cross.
Elance's CEO Fabio Rosati described this product arc as a "long detour" on the road to deployment of the founders' original vision.
Elance的CEO Fabio Rosati把这个产品转型弧线描绘为“远远的绕道而行”,最终完成了对这家公司创立者原始设想的部署。