后者是指在必定宽度距离中,可以了了的显像(Develope)解出若干良多多少组“线对”而言(Line Pair,系指一条线路及一个空间的组合),普简易称只说解出机条“线”而已。
develope tone 衍生色调
Allow Develope 允许开发者控制台
iphone develope 公司已经有账号
PowerADS Develope 广告产品开发
develope laws 制定法律
Preview for Develope 于开发人员的预览
develope an electronic drum kit 研制了一套电子鼓设备
system develope 系统开发
With a fairly large, soft-edged brush go in a develope basic shadows and highlights.
This method is at the beginning in our country and need a further develope and research.
I hope that this study can provide ideas and methods for enterprises to develope-commerce.
It is going on for many years actually from the time of operation providr comfort with which I was involved in Northern Iraq when we realised that we would have civilian problems we need to develope civilian capacity to deal with these things.