...上查到他们把 » You should be able to be found on the server they 开发者 申请资料 » Developer information of application 假日经济现象越来越被众多人所关注,但由于所站立场和思考的角度各异,对“假日经济”也众说纷纭。
A workflow engine enables the developer to model a business process and allows the application to go with the flow of information defined by the process.
In developing application services, the application developer needs this understanding to ensure that applications meet the information needs of the business users.
This is the same with the access to the Lotus Domino database; the physical location of the database is not needed by the application developer since DB2 II manages that information.
这与对Lotus Domino数据库的访问是一样的。应用程序开发人员无需知道数据库的物理位置,因为DB 2 ii会管理这些信息。