DEVELOPMENT 出版国家:ENGLAND 出版商:Company Of Biologists Limited 出版周期:Semimonthly 语言:English 影响因子:6.208 ISSN:0950-1991 (印刷版) ISSN:1477-9129(电子版) 研究领域:生物-发育生物学
...发展;趋势 中图分类号: TB33 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1007-9815(2004) 01-0001-07 [gap=14007]Key words: composite; application; development; trend ...
... 进户线 house service wire(s) 进化 development 进化动物形态学 evolutionary zoomorphology ...
sustainable development 可持续发展 ; 可连续成长 ; 可持续性展 ; 可连续性成长
Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行 ; 亚洲开发银行〔亚银 ; 银止
Human Development Index 人类发展指数 ; 指数 ; 展指数 ; 人类成长指数
Software Development [计] 软件开发 ; 软体开发 ; 软件研发 ; 软件订制
development economics 发展经济学 ; [经] 开发经济学 ; 成长经济学 ; 开展经济学
African Development Bank 非洲开发银行 ; 银行 ; 非洲行 ; 非洲开发银行贷款
China Development Bank 国家开发银行 ; 中国国家开发银行 ; 银行 ; 中国开发银行
Career Development 生涯规划 ; 职业发展 ; 职业规划 ; 职业开发
N-UNCOUNT Development is the gradual growth or formation of something. 发育; 逐渐形成 ideal system for studying the development of the embryo.
N-UNCOUNT Development is the growth of something such as a business or an industry. 发展 [商业]
He firmly believes that education and a country's economic development are key factors to progress.
N-UNCOUNT Development is the process of making an area of land or water more useful or profitable. 开发
The talks will focus on economic development of the region.
N-VAR Development is the process or result of making a basic design gradually better and more advanced. 改良
It is spending $850M on research and development to get to the market place as soon as possible with faster microprocessors.
N-COUNT A development is an event or incident which has recently happened and is likely to have an effect on the present situation. 进展
The police spokesman said: "We believe there has been a significant development in the case."
N-COUNT A development is an area of houses or buildings which have been built by property developers. 开发区
...a 16-house development planned by Everlast Enterprises.
DEVELOPMENT 出版国家:ENGLAND 出版商:Company Of Biologists Limited 出版周期:Semimonthly 语言:English 影响因子:6.208 ISSN:0950-1991 (印刷版) ISSN:1477-9129(电子版) 研究领域:生物-发育生物学