... Donna Donna多纳,多纳(犹太民歌) Devoted To You奉献给你(埃佛利兄弟) San Frair conditionersisco三藩市(阿甘正传) ...
Hopelessly Devoted To You 无可救药爱上你 ; 无可救药的为你奉献 ; 结束婚姻的无助 ; 绝望地深爱着你
Devoted To You­ 酷爱着你 ; 热爱着你
Devoted To You- 热爱着你
Has been devoted to you 一直深爱着你
I'm hopelessly devoted to you 因为我无望地但却真心的奉献于你 ; 绝望地深爱着你
Devoted to you and me 专注你和我
Truly devoted to you 真的爱你
Hoplessly Devoted To You 生命视为无可救药的深爱着你
You will never gain success unless you are fully devoted to your work.
Guard my life, for I am devoted to you.
And, in fact, the proportion as you go from rat, cat, and monkey, humans— less and less of it is devoted to projection areas and there is more and more to other things.
So, a part of you wants to become the greatest whatever it is that you want to become and you wouldn't be here if you weren't very competitive and very eager to come out first, devoted to arete and your own version of that kind of thing.
所以 你的一部分意识想变成最伟大的人,不论你想要在哪个领域变得伟大,而且如果你没有竞争力,或不是一直争取第一,那你也不会坐在这里,力图更上一层楼,以穷千里目