diamond head state monument
钻石山州立纪念碑(Diamond Head State Monument)位于夏威夷欧湖岛威基基的东部海岸线上,是夏威夷最著名的地标之一。
火奴鲁鲁的景点,包括钻石头山(Diamond Head State Monument)和卡庇奥拉尼公园(Kapiolani..
钻石山(Leahi),欧胡岛 徒步到标志性的钻石山州立纪念碑 (Diamond Head State Monument) 山顶,俯瞰威基基(Waikiki)海滩和檀香山(Honolulu)的全景。
diamond head state monument
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
The top pick in the natural wonders category is far more visible, especially from the beaches of Waikiki: Diamond Head State Monument in Honolulu tops the list, followed by the Grand Canyon, Northern California's Muir Woods and other awe-inspiring natural sites in the United States and beyond.
CNN: Natural wonders: A top 10 list