diced meat 肉丁 ; 肉臊子 ; 肉丁〔中菜名 ; 小方块肉
soy Diced meat 素肉丁
fried diced meat 炒肉丁
Sauce Bao diced meat 酱爆肉丁
diced meat patty 肉丁小馅饼
The sweet-tasting meat has been served to your correspondent, diced into small cubes reassembled in feline form with fur-stripped paws sticking in the air.
本栏通讯员也有幸品尝到了这种口感偏甜的肉类。 猫肉被切成肉丁,再被重新装盘成一只猫的样子。
The meat should be finely diced for this dish.
Diced red meat. Very rare diced red meat.