Light Technician » 轻技术员 did not pass » 未通过 You can go there to check it out, they serve Greek food if you fancy » 你可以去到那里,检查它,他们为希腊粮食如果你喜欢用 ...
... 一切从 » Everything from 没有通过 » Did not pass 大坏蛋老公,我爱死你了 » Big bad husband, I love you ...
Did not pass the exam 没通过考试 ; 没有通过考试
did not pass the examination 未通过考试 ; 没通过考试
He did not pass 他没及格 ; 他不及格
Exam did not pass 考试没有及格
He did not pass her 他什么也没有传给她
He did not pass exam 他考试没及格
Goods did not pass inspection 货物没有通过验货
He did not pass exams 他考试没及格
He who did not pass 他考试不及格
Why Britain did not pass laws restricting the small-scale manufacture of clothing in the colonies?
The next few days did not pass quickly, but they passed.
California did not pass a budget until October, a record 100 days late.
The Whigs were angry. Still, they did not have enough votes to pass the bill over the president's veto.
VOA: special.2009.02.05
Justice Taney said Congress did not have the constitutional power to pass such a law.
VOA: special.2009.05.14
Clay did not have enough votes to pass the bill over the president's veto.
VOA: special.2009.01.29