...;膳食模式;膳食摄入;膳食平衡;膳食指数;膳食评价 [gap=1109]Keywords: Dietary quality,Dietary pattern,Dietary intake,Dietary balance,Dietary Index,Dietary evaluation ...
dietary reference intake 膳食营养素参考摄入量 ; 参考摄入量 ; 发表了膳食参考摄入量 ; 膳食参考摄入量
recommended dietary intake 推荐每日营养摄入量标准
average daily dietary intake adi 平均日摄入量
risk assessment of dietary intake 膳食暴露评估
Dietary Reference Intake DRIs 膳食参考摄入量
dietary protein intake 膳食蛋白摄入量 ; 蛋白摄入量 ; 摄入量
Inadequate dietary fiber intake 取不足
Dietary fibre intake 膳食纤维摄入量
dietary rdference intake 膳食营养素参考摄入量 ; 素参考摄入量
One study showed that,on average,for a standard adult man(70 kg of body weight),the dietary intake of PFOS was estimated to be 62.5 or 74.2 ng/day.
有研究表明,一个70kg体重的成年人通过饮食每天摄入PFOS的量约为62.5~74.2 ng。
参考来源 - 全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)对小鼠免疫毒性效应研究The dietary intake levers of TFAs was 1.44g/d, city 1.82g/d, rural 1.30g/d and the percent of total energy was 0.58%, 0.77% and 0.51% respectively.
参考来源 - 反式脂肪酸气相色谱分析方法的研究及应用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This shows negative consequences of poor dietary intake can occur even when body weight has not changed conspicuously.
Information on dietary intake was collected using a validated food frequency questionnaire.
Subjects also completed a dietary questionnaire that had been validated for evaluating dietary intake in the Australian population.
However, for dietary intake, there have been fewer advances like that because it's such a difficult thing to get a hold of.
In all cases, these are significant variations from what the recommended dietary intake should be.
Well, the only way you know is to do studies-- and we'll talk about how these are done in the next class-- linking dietary behavior, food intake with health.