...机检索(offline search) 光盘检索(CD search) 网络检索(Interne/Web search) 全球数字图书馆系统(digital global system)信息检索的步骤 分析研究课题 制定检索需求描述 调整检索策略 索取原始文献 分析研究课题 明确以下问题: 分析客体的主要内容以及...
A design technique of a Differential Global positioning System (DGPS) digital beacon receiver is presented which can be used to improve the positioning precision.
研究了一种可用于提高GPS定位精度的差分gps (DGPS)数字信标接收机的设计和研制技术。
In view of the system nonlinearity, a digital variable gain controller is designed to solve the contradiction between large global motion and high stiffness.
Global system for mobile communications, the most widely used digital mobile phone system and the DE facto wireless telephone standard in Europe.